Psychedelic Therapy & Guide Work

Psychedelic therapy is a method of psychotherapy that utilizes altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelic medicines in order to heal trauma, gain insight, and experience the ineffable and transcendent (among many other things). Psychedelic medicines typically work through quieting the default mode network (DMN) to varying degrees. The DMN is the “thinking part” of our minds, classically known as the ego, that limits access to more generative and creative parts of our brain and brain states. By quieting the DMN, psychedelics allow access to unconscious aspects of the mind and body where trauma is stored, ancestral wisdom is kept and an assortment of transpersonal experiences are to be had. In a trauma-informed and well-prepared container, psychedelic therapy journeys offer a depth of healing and experience that is incomparable to more traditional methods of talk therapy. Psychedelic therapy is truly a revolution in the field of psychotherapy. 

I am trained in Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapy through the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness (CM) in Boulder, Colorado. CM weaves together trauma-informed psychology, somatics, shamanistic practices, alchemical philosophy and progressive socio-political values. I am anticipating being able to offer this kind of work to clients at some point in late 2023. 

I am currently offering psychedelic guide work for groups and individuals with cannabis. If you are interested in that work, please reach out here. I am also offering psychedelic preparation and integration work which can be read about below.

Disclaimer: I do not provide psychedelic therapy with any illegal or controlled substances, nor do I condone the use of them outside of legal and safe settings. I am working as a psychedelic guide with my cannabis work and not as a therapist under my supervisor’s license.

Psychedelic Preparation & Integration

Just as important as the actual psychedelic journey experience is the preparation and integration aspects of the work. Preparation for a psychedelic journey includes things like pre-journey self care, getting clear on intentions for the experience, getting to know the therapist the journeyer is working with, and learning about what to expect during and after the experience. Preparation also includes education around the varied states the medicine can elicit as well as safety planning and agreements that the journeyer and therapist collaborate on. Preparation is also a time for the therapist to answer any questions that the journeyer may have. This is by no means an exhaustive list. 

Psychedelic Integration is the process in which the journeyer integrates learnings and insights from the psychedelic experience. Unlike the medical model of “taking a pill and you’re done,” the work of healing continues following the psychedelic journey experience in very tangible ways. Psychedelic states of consciousness are oftentimes very different from everyday states of consciousness. Integration is the process that the journeyer undergoes in order to incorporate the wisdom gained in the experience into their daily life. This could look like developing a practice of self-care, writing in a journal, making art, setting new goals, making life changes, working with dreams or processing the experience through dialogue.

I am currently offering psychedelic preparation and integration work. Please reach out if you are interested in exploring this kind of support.

Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy.
— Dr. Stanislav Grof